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Command Policy Memorandums

CPM 24-01 Host Nation (HN) Employee Overtime Policy and Approval Authority

CPM 24-02 Manpower Management and Accountability of Foreign National (FN) Positions

CPM 24-03 Foreign National (FN) New Requirement Request Procedure

CPM 24-04 Periodic Manpower Studies of Foreign National (FN) Positions

CPM 24-05 Court Martial Jurisdiction

CPM 24-06 Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention

CPM 24-07 Designating 10th SG CDR as the Senior Representative Okinawa for (USARJ)

CPM 24-08 Unites States Army Japan (USARJ) Travel and Temporary Duty (TDY) Policy

CPM 24-10 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

CPM 24-11 Anti-Harassment Policy for the Workplace

CPM 24-12 Alternative Dispute Resolution Program

CPM 24-13 United States Army Japan (USARJ) Supplement to United States Forces Japan (USFJ) Liberty Order

CPM 24-14 Community Newcomers' Orientation Attendance Policy

CPM 24-16 U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Harassment Prevention and Response Program

23-2 Administration and Processing of Certain Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Matters within USARJ (UCMJ Withholding Policy)

23-04 Commanding General's Open Door Policy

21-06 Physical Readiness Training (PRT)

23-07 Command Safety Policy

23-12 – USARJ Evacuation Preparedness

23-13 U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) Orders Submission Policy

23-16 – USARJ Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP)

23-17 Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP)

23-19 -USARJ Policy Governing the Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS)

23-20 - Foreign National Displaced Employee Policy and Procedure

21-21 Civilian Time and Attendance (T&A) and use of the Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS)

21-24 – Charter for United States Army Japan (USARJ) Protection Forums

23-25 CPM Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

23-27 - USARJ Command Maintenance Discipline Program (CMDP)

23-28 - United States Army Japan (USARJ) Operations Security (OPSEC)