Annual Training Information
Preparing for and attending training
DIMA (Drilling Individual Mobilization Augmentee) Soldiers must attend Annual Training
(AT) once each year in order to remain in the program. Training dates are arranged
between you (DIMA) and your assigned section. You must meet the following minimum
screening requirements before we can submit a request for orders (RFO) for you to
attend AT or any other training.
Prior to requesting orders:
- All Soldiers require a current Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) every 12 months
and no later than 15 months. Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Soldiers who
do not have a PHA within two years may not be authorized annual training. For physical
examination requirements and scheduling, refer to PHA.
- You must possess the security clearance required for the duty position and your
rank. Refer to Security Clearances.
- You must have a current HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) screening test. For additional
information on screening tests, refer to HIV.
- You cannot have any flags attached to your record.
- You must have less than 17 years of active federal service (204 months) as of the
start date of your tour.
- Female applicants cannot be pregnant.
- You must have more than six months remaining on your service obligation (for example:
Expiration Term of Service, Expiration Ready Reserve Obligation Date, Mandatory
Removal Date and Discharge).
Note: Current status of physical exam, HIV test, and security clearance are
by logging into HRC’s website: using
your AKO
username and password.
Prior to attending AT:
- You must meet height & weight standards.
- You must complete and email the following forms to the Reserve Components Office
during your initial tour. Refer to FORMS.
- DD Form 2058
- BAQ Form 5960
- Direct Deposit DD Form 1199A
- Record of Emergency Data DD Form 93
- SGLV Form 8286
- SGLV Form 8286A
- W4
- Single parents must have a Family Care Plan.
Detailed Information by Subject
DIMA are required to perform AT with U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) at Camp Zama or U.S.
Forces, Japan (USFJ), at Yokota Air Base each fiscal year. Coordinate your AT with
your section first and then provide the Army Reserve Engagement Team-Japan
with the dates and your DA form 7349. Advance planning is vital as per HRC’s
we must submit requests for AT no later than 30 days prior to the tour start date.
Please also note that HRC requires all RFO’s for the fiscal year to be submitted
by March 31st each year.
In-processing for all DIMAs will be accomplished through the Reserve Components
Office starting at 9:30 a.m., on your report date. E-mail us your completed
forms as soon as possible after receipt of your orders. Completion and submission
of these forms will expedite in-processing and support timely, accurate pay.
The duty uniform for USARJ and USFJ, during Annual Training, is the Army Combat
(ACU). IPFU (Improved Physical Fitness Uniform) with yellow reflective belt is the
only uniform authorized for physical training.
IMA’s (Individual Military Augmentee) wear the shoulder patch of their assigned
unit. Enlisted Soldiers should contact our office for patches. Officers are required
to purchase their own patches. Patches for where assigned are available at the respective
Military Clothing Sales Store or online.
U.S. Army Japan (USARJ) at Camp Zama |
U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) at Yokota Air Base |
IMA’s must complete an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and height/weight
during annual training. Be sure to bring the IPFU including running shoes and a
yellow reflective belt. Remember you will not be allowed to take the APFT if you
are not in the proper uniform. For a copy of the APFT standards, click click here.
If you don’t meet the height/weight & body fat standards in accordance with
Regulation 600-9, you will be flagged
and documented on your OER (Officer Evaluation Record) or Noncommissioned Officer
Evaluation Record (NCOER). If you are flagged you will not be allowed to perform
any other training (AT/ADT/ADSW) until the flag is lifted. To remove the flag, you
must go to the nearest Army Reserve or National Guard unit and have them complete
a body fat taping, DA Form 5500-R (Male) or DA Form 5501-R (Female), and forward
the results to your Career Manager at HRC. Remember if you re-enter the weight control
program within 12 months of being removed from the weight control program, separation
action from the Army Reserve will be initiated.
DIMA soldiers must have their profiles approved by the Office of the Surgeon, HRC.
This is accomplished using a DA Form 7349 that must be completed prior to attending
training. These forms are submitted to the Army Reserve Engagement Team-Japan and
forwarded to HRC. When an underlying medical condition has been resolved, ensure
your career manager at HRC receives the information and updates your records by
submitting another DA Form 7349. A DIMA with a permanent physical profile will take
the alternate APFT event and the information will be recorded on the OER/NCOER.
HIV tests and Periodic Health Assessments (PHA) must be current. HRC will not publish
AT orders if you have an outdated HIV test. Check your AKO account to ensure your
PHA and HIV tests are current. PHA's are scheduled through HRC. Please see our PHA
page for more information.
You must have a current ID card, identification tags, and AT orders while traveling.
ID Cards and AT orders are checked by immigration officials at the airport. Soldiers
will wear their ID tags when in duty uniform at USARJ/USFJ. To obtain a current
ID card, take a copy of assignment orders, received from HRC, to the nearest military
installation’s personnel office.
Individuals must make airline reservations as far as possible in advance of actual
travel dates. Once you have your AT orders, contact (800) 709-2190 or (800) 288-5999
after duty hours to plan your arrival for one day prior to your AT reporting date.
This is also the date you should arrange for your billeting. We recommend calling
billeting as soon as you know your AT dates to guarantee a room with your credit
card. During major training exercises, lodging can fill up quickly. Schedule your
departure flight for the day after your last AT date, or on your last IDT (inactive
duty training) date if you are performing IDT dates in conjunction with your AT.
Please e-mail your flight itinerary as soon as possible to the Army Reserve Engagement
Team-Japan and we will make ground transportation reservations for you from Narita
International Airport Japan to Camp Zama and back. Soldiers performing AT at Yokota
AB do not need transportation reservations for that airport shuttle bus.
Call or email us with your arrival flight number, carrier, date and time.
When you arrive at Narita IAP you will first clear Japanese quarantine before proceeding
to Immigrations, both on the second floor. Once cleared through Immigration, you
will proceed to the first floor to claim your baggage at the designated baggage
carousel. Once you have your baggage, proceed to a Customs counter for final clearance
into Japan.
Most American commercial flights arrive at Terminal 1. (If you arrive at Terminal
2, take the free shuttle bus to Terminal 1. Go to the end of the North Wing of Terminal
1, where there is a DoD Liaison Desk, and tell the representative of your destination
or either Camp Zama
or Yokota Air Base.
There is no regularly scheduled bus service to Camp Zama so contact your sponsor
as early as possible for them to arrange transportation upon arrival.
If you know that only a vehicle will be there, turn right on exiting the Air Mobility
Command terminal and proceed to the parking lot on the north side where your driver
and vehicle will be waiting.
Bring sufficient funds for all expenses expected during AT. ATM’s on Camp Zama and
Yokota AB can dispense U.S. Dollars and Japanese Yen.
Advances on pay and allowances are not authorized. Receiving a paycheck at the AT
site is also not an option. To expedite a direct deposit payment, bring a voided
check or deposit slip to your in-processing session.
DIMA’s performing AT with USARJ/USFJ must have a minimum of a Secret security clearance.
Some DIMA positions require a Top Secret clearance. Ensure your records are correct
at HRC so that clearance data on AT orders are accurate. HRC will not issue orders
when the system shows an outdated security clearance. Refer to Security Clearance.
DIMA’s may be removed from a DIMA assignment with USARJ / USFJ for reasons including,
but not limited to: at the request of their section of assignment, failure to meet
security clearance requirements, failure to fulfill obligations of the program (i.e.
failure to perform AT, failure to meet height & weight standards). DIMA’s can initiate
a voluntary transfer from their position to the IRR or to another DIMA position
using DA Form 4651.
Reservists are automatically enrolled in Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
when meeting annual training requirements. Refer to SGLI for details.
The Army Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon (ARCOTR) is awarded to Soldiers
who complete at least 10 days of annual training on foreign soil. Numerals are issued
to denote second and subsequent awards. The Army Reserve Engagement Team-Japan will
put in the request for ribbons automatically following the completion of a Soldier's
The Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (ARCAM) and the Armed Forces Reserve
Medal (AFRM) are the other two awards commonly awarded to Reserve Soldiers. If you
believe you qualify for an award, supporting documents must be submitted for consideration.
For information regarding these decorations, refer to Army Regulation 600-8-22.
Routine and emergency medical care will be available 24 hours a day. You must have
an identification card and a copy of your orders to use the medical or dental facility.
You can exchange dollars for yen at the bank, credit union or Community Club, however,
credit union rates are slightly less than the bank. ATM’s at Camp Zama and Yokota
AB will dispense dollars or yen.
No special immunizations are required for Japan!
While in Japan, all active duty military personnel, including Reserve Soldiers on
active duty for training, are subject to both U.S. and Japan laws. Members of the
U.S. forces in Japan have certain rights, privileges, and special protections which
have been accorded by the SOFA. In return, the SOFA makes it the duty of all members
of the U.S. forces to respect the laws of Japan and to abstain from any activities
inconsistent with the spirit of the Agreement.
A curfew policy is in place for all military personnel located and operating in Japan to include Reserve, National Guard and those on temporary duty. Refer to Curfew.
Japan Standard Time is 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time or 13 hours during daylight Savings. On flights from the U.S., you will likely arrive in the late afternoon of the day after you departed, while on flights from Japan to the U.S., you will arrive the same day as you departed.